Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Social Etiquette~

Etiquette:  conventional requirements as to social behavior; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion.

Are you following any social media Etiquette?  If you are not getting results ie;  referrals, feedback, interest in your life, you may want to ask yourself these 5 questions.

Are you constantly promoting your business?  We are inundated with information today.  It is a turn off when you promote only yourself.  People pay attention to exciting, uplifting information that is beneficial to them.  People turn off when they are being Sold!

When you post is it brief (a sentence or less)?  Keep your posts brief (less is best) and share in a general way! No one cares when you brushed your teeth! 

Do you post 2-4 times in a row?  Post 1-4 times out the day (purposeful, meaningful posts).  Many people hide or delete chronic posters.

Are your photos G rated?  Photos have become enhanced, so keep photos G rated!  Make your photos count!  Photos should have the WOW factor.

Are you ?  Always posting about problems in your life?  Post fun, positive uplifting thoughts and life events.  Granted, life may throw you a curve from time to time, however Eeyore gets old!

5 Simple questions that may help you and your business thrive!!!!  Have fun!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Social Media has CHANGED my World!

Along the way I have learned several simple things to do....and NOT to do while tweeting and posting on Facebook.

In the beginning I was thrilled to get over 5 likes!  Being the gal who always wanted to be popular-this excited me.  I then became 'purposeful'.  I learned to actually engage in others lives via social media.

What this looks like is having conversations with others.  Learning about people's lives.  Their families, their interests.  Really engaging.  Commenting on thier lives.  HELPING others!  Offering to help promote them and their businesses (or just doing this). 

My favorite law in life:  The Law of Reciprocity!

As I help build others up life gets better! My business grows.  I get to be kind and loving towards others! I get to be a better person.

Today, I get to help others GROW and succeed! I get to be a coach, a mentor, a teacher.  I get to show up for others!  Because of this, I get to be a better human!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Inspiring others to GROW!

I am Alaska Tracy...."Business Marketing & Motivational Advocate."  I will help your business climb!  I  INSPIRE, promote and motivate your business goals- thru social media and inexpensive clever marketing ideas.    
I have been a small business owner for the last 10 years.  Sometimes I have learned things the long, hard , SLOW way!  I have always tried to be open to others inspiration and ideas along the way.  I truly believe in the law of reciprocity.  The greatest gift for me, is sharing an idea with another, and then watching them implement and their life changing!

I have spent so much money over the years in various forms of advertising never doing one form really well.  Never really having a plan-chasing my tail and losing money.  When social media came along...Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and endless other medians, I started dabbling with them.  I would feel 'popular' when I would get many likes or fans, but did not feel I was utilizing it to really push my (recent business) Real Estate forward.  I felt I was missing something.  Social Media Coach, DotJenna called me and told me if I did a few simple things it would change my business.  My business would GROW!  I started coaching with her and learning extremely simple things to do.  Things to say, not to say...interacting with others.  It has been almost 4 months and my Real Estate business has grown.

I started sharing with other businesses what I have learned and also simple inexpensive ideas to market themselves outside of social media. It is as if my creative juices have been unleashed!  I have found my purpose-to help small businesses GROW-to help motivate and encourage others to move forward and stay focused.   Alaska Tracy is here to move your business to the next level!!!!  Hang on for the ride!