Sunday, October 16, 2011

Inspiring others to GROW!

I am Alaska Tracy...."Business Marketing & Motivational Advocate."  I will help your business climb!  I  INSPIRE, promote and motivate your business goals- thru social media and inexpensive clever marketing ideas.    
I have been a small business owner for the last 10 years.  Sometimes I have learned things the long, hard , SLOW way!  I have always tried to be open to others inspiration and ideas along the way.  I truly believe in the law of reciprocity.  The greatest gift for me, is sharing an idea with another, and then watching them implement and their life changing!

I have spent so much money over the years in various forms of advertising never doing one form really well.  Never really having a plan-chasing my tail and losing money.  When social media came along...Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and endless other medians, I started dabbling with them.  I would feel 'popular' when I would get many likes or fans, but did not feel I was utilizing it to really push my (recent business) Real Estate forward.  I felt I was missing something.  Social Media Coach, DotJenna called me and told me if I did a few simple things it would change my business.  My business would GROW!  I started coaching with her and learning extremely simple things to do.  Things to say, not to say...interacting with others.  It has been almost 4 months and my Real Estate business has grown.

I started sharing with other businesses what I have learned and also simple inexpensive ideas to market themselves outside of social media. It is as if my creative juices have been unleashed!  I have found my purpose-to help small businesses GROW-to help motivate and encourage others to move forward and stay focused.   Alaska Tracy is here to move your business to the next level!!!!  Hang on for the ride!

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